“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi.



India, a vast land with a huge population needs honest initiatives of spreading health awareness everywhere, particularly in poor and underprivileged areas. Exploring this country, Anand Dham Health Care Team has formed a determined commitment within their mind. This is a promise to give nutrition and health support to society’s that section, which remains deprived in receiving such care.


 1 . Malnutrition – Evil Curse

Malnutrition is a prominent cause of health problems. According to a global survey of hunger and health, it is found that malnutrition is the root cause of reducing the physical capability of the sufferer because they become underweight or wasted since their childhood. A large number of diseases of the world grows out of malnutrition. In the food insecure areas, malnutrition causes organ failures, lack of immunity, hormonal disorders and even new unknown health problems. On average, 162 million children are malnourished, and the number of underweight children is recorded to be nearly 99 million, whereas 51 million children are wasted.

 2. Poverty – Prolonged Obstacle

The main barrier that keeps people away from receiving sufficient medical care is poverty. The struggle is ongoing, and we need loads of reforms to eradicate this lacking. From poverty, there arises hunger and then comes a chain of health issues damaging human immunity and other physical portions. Poverty is one of the major carriers of mental suffering too. This alarming factor is picking up these days and increasing our concerns. An increase in poverty is also due to high expenditure on health.   

3. Lifestyle Diseases – Self Damage

In our human world, numerous people become the unfortunate victims of lifestyle diseases. It is a critical health issue that affects many individuals exposed to harmful lifestyle habits. The harm caused by lifestyle diseases is severe, or it may be more deadly. They affect human health and, in many cases, affect the human mental state. We can see many victims of lifestyle diseases suffering from stress, sleeplessness or frequent mood swings. World Health Organization (WHO) says that people who smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, take unhealthy food or indulge in physical inactivity are at greater risk of chronic lifestyle diseases.


4.  Hygiene Ignorance – Social Concern 

Diseases spread more frequently to the areas that lack cleanliness or where people are not aware of hygiene. Our health is intertwined with our environment. If our environment is polluted, we fall at increased risk of suffering from known or unknown diseases. In the same way, our cleanliness and hygiene security are significant to remain fit and fine. For decades, due to our ignorance towards the environment, the pollution level in the air, water, soil have increased. These are causing new diseases in society. The WHO estimates that around 5 lakh people die every year due to diarrhoea, a waterborne disease caused by water pollution.

 5. Medical Insufficiency – Bad Failure

Without adequate health care and support, many unfortunate people fall victim to diseases and getting no treatment. It leads to prolonged health hazards, mental suffering or even death. In our country, about 2000 infants die daily due to lack of medical facilities, delays in treatments, and unavailability of adequate transportation for reaching the medical centre. Remedy of these people from such suffering and frustration is our mission.

Anand Dham Activities: Our Anand Dham Health-Care Team is ready to join side by side with regional and national Government Programs presenting a delightful healthy life to the needy. We see it as our valued duty to serve humanity by ending diseases and malnutrition. For that, we have devoted, resourceful and capable members to work for this mission.

Our Future

Free Health Check-ups and Hygiene Support Programs

Anand Dham takes periodic regional health surveys and maintains region-wise health/hygiene vulnerability records. Based on the vulnerability score as assigned by our health support team, we conduct FREE health protection camps in selective areas. These camps have many essential facilities to ensure public health/hygiene awareness status, such as body check-ups, blood tests, ECG, consultation of hygiene awareness, health motivational events, nutrition awareness and more.

Anand Dham Eye Care Mission

To ensure eyesight security and provide comprehensive care, the Anand Dham Vision Support Team facilitates assured FREE medical care programs include cataract surgery, eyesight check-ups, FREE eye care medicine and eyeglasses distribution and others. We send our teams to vulnerable and underdeveloped areas to fulfil our mission.

Free Food Distribution

Anand Dham FREE food distribution initiatives associate with various events/charitable activities in the selective areas. We reach the vulnerable sections, interact with families, children, aged people and conduct nutrition awareness events, child and women nutrition support (focused based on health and age status), free food distribution, health motivational programs, etc.