“Almost half of the world population lives in rural areas and are depriving of essential resources and facilities.”
APJ Abdul Kalam.

Rural Development


In the remotest corners of our country, some people cannot receive the resources available to the flourished regions. That gap creates several shortages, such as illiteracy, unemployment, social prejudice, health problems and many more. Anand Dham Rural Development mission is one of our chief activities that encourages the backward rural people and enhances their socio-financial life.


1. Poverty – Economic Struggle

Rural areas have much lower provisions for the people to grow their financial resources. In these backward areas, people suffer from low employment opportunities, lack of education and availability of big markets to help them earn more. Rural poverty leads to many other problems, such as health hazards, labour migration, social prejudices and several other grave issues. In fact, in developing countries like India, large scale labour migration is a growing concern rising day by day due to degrading income opportunities for the traditional farmers.  

2.  Education – The Light of Wisdom

The spread of education in rural areas is essential for giving the people equal living opportunities. Misery is, in these areas, children and adults, especially the female population are left behind with little or no education. The need of spreading education to every corner of our society is our principal mission on which we are working devotedly. However, there are many barriers to stop this process. Even today, social exclusion in the rural areas is the biggest obstacle for the underprivileged communities of India in receiving the benefits of education.

3. Poor Farming Status – 

In some parts of rural India, agriculture is the premium source of livelihood. Due to financial shortcomings, rural people cannot afford the latest technologies and provisions to improve their agricultural activities. Unawareness, lack of funding, and unavailability of access in bigger markets restrict their scope of growth. A harsh truth of rural areas is that many poor farmers are losing their land and forced to migrate to urban areas with the hope of alternate economic options. They work as temporary daily waged labourers, an uncertain discouraged life.      


4.  Health – The Need of People

Enhancing the health support system of rural areas is an essential demand so that our country can fulfil its nationwide wellness mission. In India, we can find many remote areas with no functional health centres, caregivers, modern medical provisions or minimum public awareness to ensure their health status. Apart from malnutrition, infant mortality, poor female health, chronic diseases, lifestyle diseases are common in such areas.

5.  Infrastructure – The Foundation 

As a part of rural development- facilities, resources, and opportunities should reach the people as they are available to the urban cities. That needs an infrastructural reform involving all the main factors, which influence rural life. The main disadvantages in most of the rural regions of India are- struggling with the poor connectivity, unavailability of proper financial assistance, improper market infrastructure, lack of skill-building facilities, and livelihood development opportunities.

Anand Dham Activities: Anand Dham Rural Development Team wishes to work side by side with these Government Initiatives to induce its betterment. Our members are reaching out to the remote, backward parts of our country and exploring various needs and despair of villagers, and helping in improving their status. It is our commitment, and we are devoted to giving it fulfilment.

Our Future

Health Program

Anand Dham rural development missions aim to improve the less attended areas affecting the lives of people. Health is one of them. Anand Dham caregivers conduct rural health surveys, interact with people, assess zone wise rural health status, conduct health awareness events, provide medical and nutrition support, distribute FREE medicine and hygiene accessories, arrange child and female health protection activities and many other significant programs

Skill Building Initiatives

For achieving economic development in rural areas, people should be well trained in modern livelihood options. With this objective, Anand Dham provides many Skill Building support to the rural parts. These activities are encouragement in local art and craft activities, motivation towards affordable eco-friendly farming, technical skill development, funding support and more.

Women Self Help Groups

Anand Dham actively works to improve women socio-financial status. The rural development team is truly committed to standing beside rural women and helping them overcome their obliviousness, provide education, enhance their self-confidence and capability, train them with professional skills and more.